One of the things about visiting Italy is the architecture. We cannot help but admire the buildings. There are so many different styles of architecture in Calabria. This is due to the number of diverse populations who settled in Calabria.
Buildings with diverse styles of architecture
The first inhabitants were the Onoetri and the Itali (the Oscans) then the Greeks who settled here in the 8th Century BC. The Romans in the second century BC, the Goths, Byzantines and Longobards after the fall of the Roman Empire. There were also the Samnites, Lucanians and the Brutti.
The Bourbons, the Aragons and the Normans also showed interest in the region. As a result of all these different invasions, we can see buildings everywhere with diverse architectural styles.
Greek-style buildings

The most important style for many archaeologists and enthusiasts is the Magna Grecian period. You will enjoy visiting Calabria with its many Greek structures. The Greeks who settled in Calabria built temples, villas, ancient theatres and columns. These are present all over Calabria. Although some are in state of ruin, we can clearly see the external structures.
Many of them are located on hillsides with panoramic landscapes. The main archaeological sites are Locri, Sibari and Roccelletta di Borgia, the capital cities of the Magna Grecian period.
Roman and Medieval buildings in Calabria

We can also see many buildings built by the Romans such as Villa Casignana, the Roman-Greek theatre and villa in Gioiosa Marina and the Roman baths in Reggio Calabria. Many of these buildings were built with the local stone tufa. We can see arches, porticoes and impressive fountains everywhere.
Numerous Medieval style buildings lie high up in the hills. They built the villages far from the sea to give the inhabitants protection from the pirate raids, Turkish invasions and other similar attacks.
We can see impressive castles with high walls, towers and many small churches in these villages. Read more here about Medieval villages in Calabria.
Byzantine architecture in Calabria
The Byzantines controlled the region in the 10th century, and as a result, we can see a fine example of Byzantine architecture in the church of Stilo with its impressive high-vaulted ceiling, domes, columns and frescoes. We can find more of this style in Caulonia Superiore.
It is not only ancient buildings we can see in Calabria but also modern such as Art Noveau structures in Reggio Calabria or from the Fascist era. Those from the latter are plain-looking, used mainly as public buildings. Some of them are in a real state of disrepair and others look very dull and colourless.
Some of the people’s homes today are grey and unfinished. Luckily, many people have had their homes painted and these grey buildings diminish in the background.
Diverse landscapes in Calabria

We can see many of these pastel-coloured buildings typical in the Mediterranean. The heat can be very intense in Calabria and thus the pastel colours are the ideal choice. The landscape also varies from one place to another.
We can see picturesque fishing villages along the coastline such as Scilla. Read more about Scilla here. Spectacular mountains including the Sila, Aspromonte and Pollino.
It is thanks to these settlers that this beautiful region can boast countless treasures with many different styles of architecture in one of Italy’s regions. Read about some famous buildings here. This is the reason why you should visit Calabria.