Did you know that hundreds of people do kitesurfing in Gizzeria lido? This place is only 10 minutes away from Calabria’s International Airport Lamezia Terme. I was passing through this town when a number of flying colourful kites caught my eye. I then decided to see more.
We stopped off at this long wide sandy beach with turquoise blue sea. It was extremely windy. I nearly got blown off my feet. I had never seen so many kite surfers having fun.
Kitesurfing with the most beautiful kites
They were flying in the air holding onto the most beautiful kites doing acrobats in the sky. Now I know why they chose this place to fly their kites. I learnt later that professional champions have competed here and that it is a popular location for kite surfing enthusiasts. There is even a kite school for those who need to learn proper techniques. You can get lessons here.
Plenty of wind for kite surfing
It is busy in July and August but very quiet the rest of the year. Imagine having the whole beach to yourself in September. You can in Gizzera Lido. This is a kite surfer’s dream. There is a square with a handful of bars and a few restaurants. Many hotels accommodate the kite enthusiasts from all over the world. Read about Hangloose beach here.
It is a great atmosphere. I have done paragliding, but never kitesurfing. This is a skill I would love to learn. It is such an amazing place with plenty of wind to keep the surfers happy. I will definitely be back once I get a few lessons. Read here for more extreme sports in Calabria.
Falerna Marina
I then carried on to Falerna Marina which is another pretty town with amazing beaches and needless to say in Calabria “beautiful sea”. I noticed that there was no wind at all. Only 10 minutes from Gizzeria lido and the wind had dropped. I walked along its pleasant promenade which happened to be market day.
There were many stalls displaying everything you can think of. There are many beach bars, shops and restaurants in this seaside resort if you are looking for a livelier place. They were setting up a concert for the evening and African performers were practising their songs and dance. I was only sorry I could not stay longer. You can read about the town of Amantea, not so far away here.